Traditional vs Advanced Bioreactor Design for Microbial Fermentation

September 23, 2021

Are you a fermenter fanatic wondering about the differences between traditional and advanced bioreactor designs? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll compare the two to help you decid on which design is best suited for your microbial fermentation process.

Traditional Bioreactor Design

Traditional bioreactors are vessels made from steel, glass or plastic that contain the microorganisms and fermentation medium. They are simple in design and rely on natural air supply for aeration. Some of the typical examples of these are stirred-tank reactors, bubble column reactors, and airlift reactors.

As much as 75% of the commercial-scale bioreactors still use traditional designs today. These systems are relatively straightforward to operate and are well-suited for microorganisms that do not require strict temperature or pH control. Furthermore, they are relatively low cost and robust, with fewer components that can break down.

However, traditional bioreactors have their limitations. The natural air supply can be inconsistent, causing inefficient oxygen transfer that may result in a lower growth rate or product yield. Additionally, maintaining optimal pH and temperature is challenging, considering the fluctuating conditions inside the vessel.

Advanced Bioreactor Design

Advanced bioreactors, also called autotrophic reactors, have a more complex design and employ advanced technologies for process control, monitoring, and automation. These bioreactors overcome certain limitations associated with traditional designs to provide better performance and scalability.

Some of the most promising advanced designs include membrane bioreactors (MBRs), fluidized bed bioreactors (FBRs), and photo-bioreactors. MBRs are equipped with a membrane that allows for more efficient gas transfer, while fluidized bed bioreactors mix small particles and liquid to achieve better heat transfer and more efficient substrate utilization. Photo-bioreactors use light to stimulate growth, which may enhance the rate of productivity.

Advanced bioreactors can significantly improve the efficiency, reproducibility, and scalability of fermentation processes. With advanced monitoring and automation technologies, these systems offer better control over process conditions, lowering the risk of contamination and ensuring product quality and consistency.

Which is Best for Your Microbial Fermentation Process?

Choosing between traditional and advanced bioreactor designs depends on several factors, including the type of microorganism, fermentation medium, required product yield, required level of process control, and cost constraints. As a general rule, traditional bioreactors may be more suitable for microorganisms with moderate growth rates, while advanced bioreactors may be better suited to high growth-rate strains that require precise and stable process conditions.

However, advanced bioreactors come at a significant cost premium compared to traditional designs. The additional investment can be justified when dealing with high-value products or when process control is essential to ensure product quality and consistency.

In conclusion, both traditional and advanced bioreactor designs have their unique strengths and limitations. The choice between the two depends on the specific needs of your microbial fermentation process. So, it's essential to consider all aspects carefully before making a decision.


  1. 'Bioreactor Design', Wiley Online Library.
  2. 'An overview of bioreactor design and operation principles in solid-state fermentaion systems for microbial biopolymer production', Elsevier.
  3. 'Advanced bioreactor design for microalgal biofuel production', Taylor and Francis Online.

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